Case Study

Concept for Utilisation of Traffic Flow Data, Tartu, Estonia


City of Tartu has a plan to develop a ESRI based solution for Tartu City to visualize and modelling of traffic flow in the city. The idea is that data from traffic counters will be visualized in the web/mobile app and there will be also given recommendations for alternative routes in case of 
traffic jams. Another part is traffic modelling based on traffic counting data. Solved expert team worked out a concept and preliminary roadmap for utilisation of traffic flow data and what kind services could be utilised and develop for the benefit of City of Tartu and it inhabitants.

Our Approach & Key Outcomes:
Based on the needs described by the client, Solved rapidly mobilized a top expert panel to holistically develop and co-create a Concept for Utilisation of Traffic Flow Data, including a facilitation of market dialogue with end-client, its stakeholders and selected companies. Outcome of the process: hands-on roadmap and recommendation for transport data management and how to best proceed with actions presented.

Photo: – photographer: Burak Kebapci

Solved’s Expert Panel delivered high standard concept and roadmap in engaging and collaborative manner and made valuable recommendations that helped City of Tartu to choose the best approach utilise the traffic flow data.

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