Case Study
Market dialogue with energy companies brings innovative solutions

Suurpelto is a new residential area planned in the city of Espoo. It is also one of the biggest development projects in the Helsinki Metropolitan area. As part of the project, Espoo was looking for innovative district heating solutions to the area, that would already exist on the market. The city approached Solved to identify them.
Our Approach & Key Outcomes:
Solved selected top energy experts to lead the project. Their role was to examine the existing offering on the market and identify the most innovative and suitable options for a district heating system in Suurpelto. In this regard, the experts identified 60 relevant energy companies, including startups and SMEs, and invited them for a market dialogue. The market dialogue was carried out both offline in physical workshops, and online using Solved’s platform. The platform supported communication and knowledge sharing outside face-to-face meetings.
During the market dialogue, companies worked together to set the desired targets and brainstormed innovative solutions. Proposed solutions were then ranked based on their impact on reaching the overarching goal, and based on how easy it was to realize them. Later, the companies presented their products and services to the client. In addition, they examined how compatible their offering was with the others and form consortiums. This would allow them to deliver larger and more holistic solutions. As a result, Solved experts were able to present three alternative holistic proposals instead of 60. The city of Espoo selected one of the three concepts and have now moved to the implementation phase.
Solved’s digital platform provided us a way to engage with the commercial players, which, as a city, is not always seamless. We used the digital platform to interact with companies of various sizes and experts within the Solved network to cocreate new, smart and sustainable energy solutions for an upcoming living district in Espoo. Various concepts were created and the best was selected for implementation.